一天一天:snow cam pt. i
Hello, long time no blog! To be honest, I kind of forgot that I had a blog and after the end of spring semester, I was working 7 days a week, so there wasn't any time for that.
But there are a few exciting life updates I wanted to share from June of this year until now. One: I went on an Asia trip - from Zhongshan, Guangzhou, Macau, Taiwan to South Korea - I have lots of photos and tips that I can't wait to write about. I know, a little too late, but hopefully this will inspire you for next summer.

Besides that, I also got a puppy so expect to see some pup pics in 一天一天. (He may look cute but he's a biter and a troublemaker. Sigh.)
I decided that I want to become a more active blogger, so I have been brainstorming ideas, and I'm really excited to show you guys my new content!
Anyway, I'm rambling on. I have a whole series of photos that I edited using SNOW Cam to get those aesthetic filters, so enjoy Pt. I.
The Starbucks buildings look so much cooler! And *peep* my sister basking in the highway scenery.
Although Shanghai is so picturesque, I only got to spend a day here before going to neighboring cities :( I would want to go back with some friends and explore!
The photos are all centered on my Shanghai trip in 2016. Ignore the date stamp; it was the day I edited it.
We also visited a lot of historic sites, such as this old village. This pretty much concludes Pt. I since I don't want to spoil too much ~
As always, thanks for visiting and please stay tuned!
I recently added a "follow" button on the sidebar if you'd like to receive updates.
That's all for now. P.S. Happy Halloween!
Thanks for reading!!
Wow!!!!!! those pics are so aesthetically pleasing. I really like your blogs. Thanks for making my day.